Maybe next week we'll see some weight loss. I don't expect alot, just some. I'm going to attempt to be more aggressive my diet as well: more fruits and vegetables, more protein, nothing but water for a drink.
Some reasons I might not have lost weight are because I had a hard time completely eliminating diet soda. While I consumed maybe 1/10th as normal, I still didn't completely cut it, and soda does have this nasty tendency to make people gain weight. There was also the Lucky Wishbone incident, as well as the big lunch yesterday. Still, I don't think I would have scarfed those down if the body wasn't screaming for it. At least the big lunch was mostly protein.
The workout took me about 40 minutes. It's still difficult, even though the reps haven't increased.
Calorie Count for the day.
Cherry cheese danish at 3am, can of peas at 5:15am, munching on bits of stuff until 9am. My guess would be 450 + 240 + 100 = 700. As soon as I got home, I went to sleep. I woke up around 2pm and had a bowl of hamburger meat with green beans, likely another 350 calories, and then an orange, about 50 calories. Later that night I had 2 eggs and a tamale and an orange for dinner, about 240 + 160 + 50 = 460 calories.
Total: 460 + 700 + 400 = 1560.
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